Conversations about work, life, and other things with... Elixir friends. Inspired by the hallway track of ElixirConf.

Latest Episodes

Friend # 7 - Hugo Baraúna

Hugo and I chat about his time as a co-founder of Plataformatec, doing sales and marketing, selling the company, taking over Elixir Radar responsibilities, his work wi...

Friend #6 - Matt Wynne

Matt Wynne joins me in episode 6 of Elixir Friends! We chat about how an English man landed in Canada among draft dodgers, about being a ski bum, skateboarding as we g...

Friends #5 - Josep Giralt D'Lacoste and Ellie Fairholm

Josep Giralt D'Lacoste and Ellie Fairholm join me in episode 5 of Elixir Friends!We talked about meeting at ElixirConf (one of the highlights of my ElixirConf), their ...

Friend #4 - Andrew Ek

Andrew Ek joins me in the 4th episode of Elixir Friends! I discover his past as poet and professor (and I think we should get his published works), and his present pas...

Friend #3 - Tyler Young

Tyler joins me to chat about the pain of marketing, subscription fatigue, buying music, using Cursor, doing house projects, and more!Tyler on Twitter:

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